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Hand over the Baton

Writer: Chukwudum ObiChukwudum Obi

Updated: May 5, 2019

There’s this subconscious attitude we have after we have prayed and probably added fasting to our prayer. Before I reveal the attitude, let me say this: we need to put faith in God and His Word not in our works or actions. That been said, the attitude i speak of is this:





It is not over to God after you've prayed, IT IS OVER TO YOU! After prayers, you just handed the BATON TO YOU - YES YOU!

So too the [Holy] Spirit COMES to OUR AID and BEARS us up in OUR WEAKNESS; for WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT PRAYER to OFFER nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the SPIRIT HIMSELF GOES to MEET OUR SUPPLICATION and PLEADS in OUR BEHALF with UNSPEAKABLE YEARNINGS and groanings too deep for utterance. - Romans 8:26 (AMPC)

From that scripture, when you were ‘praying’ in the spirit, you weren’t really ‘praying’. THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS THE ONE DOING THE HEAVY LIFTING - He was praying for you.

So as in every relay race, once your lap is done, you hand over the baton to your partner. He’s done now, Jesus was done 2,000 years ago. The STAGE IS YOURS!


If you wonder what i mean by that, it simply means it is time to act in accordance and in line with everything you have prayed for and prayed about. I will give you some guidelines as to what to do now you are done praying, to ensure you end this year triumphant and victorious on all sides.

First on my list is your DOWNLOAD FOLDER.

Every computer has a download folder where it stores files downloaded from the internet, computers store a lot of files from your activities online. Lots of these files are known as cookies, footprints from sites visited stored in your computer for easy and quicker access next time you visit the site. Some act as a backdoor for the site to track you, read carefully as i describe what happens when you pray in the spirit using this computer analogy:

But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit (the Holy Spirit): for the Spirit (Human Spirit) searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. - 1 Corinthians 2:10 (KJV)

The internet is hub of information and knowledge, when we get on our computer, and browse, we ping the internet with search words to help the search machine (google) locate sites that have the information we are searching for. In the same way, when you pray in the spirit, your human spirit searches, like google, the internet of God - the Holy Spirit for clues, instructions, answers to their prayer.

We have been taught that, it the Holy Spirit that does the searching, because King James Version of the bible puts the ’s’ in the second 'spirit' in capital letters thus confusing us to believe that is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God and already knows all things, so He cannot search for what He already knows.

When you pray in the spirit, a ping-pong is going on. Our human spirit pings requests and the Holy Ghost pongs back answers (sending information) back to your human spirit.

A lot of people will find this a little confusing because of the belief that once you pray, God will do it. This is true in certain cases where angelic intervention is needed, like divine healing. Angels are sent to perform a surgery or replace body parts and do what a man cannot do. Other than these few exceptions, all the miracle you need will come from a man or woman and they will need to obey instruction/s from God for that miracle or answers to your prayer; to come to you. This is because God will not come down to earth to do it, He still needs humans to do it!

The way He gets men to answer your prayers is to speak to them and for them to obey His instructions, then you get your miracles. Sometimes, the man that needs to be spoken to is you. You need to download that instruction in the place of prayer, then get up, follow the instructions and answer your prayer, yourself.

That is why, you shouldn’t pray without a note pad to record the things the Spirit will pong into your human spirit (Habakkuk 2:2). Never forget that prayer is a dialogue not a monologue.

Secondly, have an unshakeable foundation laid with the Word of God.

All of God’s promises to you are Yea and Amen. in Him, there’s a shadow of turning. God cannot lie, take hold of the word regarding what you believe for and refuse to let go.

Thirdly, realise that you have divine forces backing you up.

Every action you take, request from God to send His angels to do the needful. You are not alone in the process He already promised to go along with you.

Fourthly, constantly confess His word over the situation.

Speak to the mountain to move, create that which you want to see by speaking. Any time you become silent, you have licensed the kingdom of darkness to come out to play in your vineyard. Don’t let the tares grow, weed them out with your words and with your words as well, plant good seeds you want to see.

Fifthly, keep the arm of your faith constantly outstretched.

Never switch off your faith. Be in a state of constant expectation of the miracle. Don't expect the opposite to happen neither expect failure nor disappointments. Expect that what you’ve prayed about, confessed - your miracle/s will come to you.

Be on a constant look out for it, as you expect it constantly, like a magnet you are pulling the miracle towards you.

Sixthly, never let praise depart from your heart and lips.

Be filled with thanks for what God is set to do. God isn’t corrupt, he cannot take praises for what you haven’t received yet. He won’t rest till you receive your miracles.

Finally, let the peace of God that passeth all understanding fill your heart and mind.

Be at rest. Unperturbed, worry free, cool, calm and collected.

It is time for ACTION! When you act on the instructions received in the place of prayer, the grace from the prayers will come upon the action.

Go answer your prayers because God has done it all for you, go collect!


See you at the next one!


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